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  1. bamteck

    How was Math Paper 62

    Some are saying that it went well, and some are saying that it went bad ! According to me, the paper was 50-50 ! And most of my friends found it 50-50 too. So the GT will be around 30 - 33/35 according to me.
  2. bamteck

    9709/62 stats . 5 nov.2012

  3. bamteck

    Phy practical 33 on 6th Nov

    See practical for the year 2008 ( I guess its June or November, not sure) ! You might get an idea.
  4. bamteck

    Phy practical 33 on 6th Nov

    Yeah ! For e.g, to measure the time taken for the capacitor to discharge ! :P
  5. bamteck

    Phy practical 33 on 6th Nov

    Prepare for : 1. Mehanincs ( a sort of springs ) 2. Capacitors ( as improvement )
  6. bamteck

    average of k

    average of k
  7. bamteck

    Statistics P6 : post your doubts here!

    http://www.xtremepapers.com/papers/CIE/Cambridge%20International%20A%20and%20AS%20Level/Mathematics%20(9709)/9709_w08_qp_6.pdf HELP NEEDED for no. 4 please :(
  8. bamteck

    Statistics P6 : post your doubts here!

    Thank you loads :)
  9. bamteck

    Statistics P6 : post your doubts here!

    Iadmireblue http://www.xtremepapers.com/papers/CIE/Cambridge%20International%20A%20and%20AS%20Level/Mathematics%20(9709)/9709_w07_qp_6.pdf Would you mind helping me with no. 1 (i) (ii) & no. 7 (ii) (iii) (iv) please ? :) Thanks.
  10. bamteck

    For e.g, the question states that L is proportional to d Then it becomes, L1 = k1d1 & L2 =...

    For e.g, the question states that L is proportional to d Then it becomes, L1 = k1d1 & L2 = k2d2 Then calc the value of k. Now, you will have to test validity. Quote your ans like this : For relationship to be valid, |k1 - k2| / <k> should be less than 10 % If greater than 10%, its not valid...
  11. bamteck

    Statistics P6 : post your doubts here!

    Yeah thank you loads :)
  12. bamteck

    Statistics P6 : post your doubts here!

    http://www.xtremepapers.com/papers/CIE/Cambridge%20International%20A%20and%20AS%20Level/Mathematics%20(9709)/9709_w05_qp_6.pdf HELP NEEDED for no. 6 :( yashi30
  13. bamteck

    Yeah ! It seems so :/

    Yeah ! It seems so :/
  14. bamteck


  15. bamteck

    Statistics P6 : post your doubts here!

    Thank you :)
  16. bamteck

    chemistry p 22 and p42 tips

    Oufff ! I hate chemistry ! P42 sucks :'(
  17. bamteck


  18. bamteck

    I don't do M2 !

    I don't do M2 !
  19. bamteck

    Physics P22

  20. bamteck

    www.xtremepapers.com/papers/CIE/.../9709_s04_qp_6.pdf Please can you help me for no. 5 :(

    www.xtremepapers.com/papers/CIE/.../9709_s04_qp_6.pdf Please can you help me for no. 5 :(