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  1. bamteck

    Mathematics: Post your doubts here!

    Its ok now ! I've got it :)
  2. bamteck

    Physics: Post your doubts here!

    Thanks mate :)
  3. bamteck

    Physics: Post your doubts here!

    http://www.xtremepapers.com/papers/...and AS Level/Physics (9702)/9702_s09_qp_2.pdf Please help me for 4(b) :(
  4. bamteck

    Thank you mate :) You too:)

    Thank you mate :) You too:)
  5. bamteck

    Physics: Post your doubts here!

    Thanks a lot man :) But why n the question, its says 'use your answer in (c)' ? oO'
  6. bamteck

    Thank you very much for your humble help :) You are very nice indeed :)

    Thank you very much for your humble help :) You are very nice indeed :)
  7. bamteck

    Physics: Post your doubts here!

    http://www.xtremepapers.com/papers/CIE/Cambridge%20International%20A%20and%20AS%20Level/Physics%20(9702)/9702_s09_qp_2.pdf URGENT HELP NEEDED for no. 2 (d) & 7 (b) :(
  8. bamteck

    Physics: Post your doubts here!

    Thanks a lot :)
  9. bamteck

    Thank you very much mate :)

    Thank you very much mate :)
  10. bamteck

    Physics: Post your doubts here!

    Parallel ? How ? Couldn't a diagram be attached please ? :( Thanks ...
  11. bamteck

    Physics: Post your doubts here!

    http://www.xtremepapers.com/papers/CIE/Cambridge%20International%20A%20and%20AS%20Level/Physics%20(9702)/9702_s08_qp_2.pdf HELP NEEDED for no. 6 (b) :( Its too confusing ! pff
  12. bamteck

    Awwnn :) Thanks for your support though :)

    Awwnn :) Thanks for your support though :)
  13. bamteck

    Hey thank you very much :) But i'm fearing that I may fail my exams :'( Since yesterday, I'm...

    Hey thank you very much :) But i'm fearing that I may fail my exams :'( Since yesterday, I'm getting this feeling coz I've made such a huge mistake in practical physics :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
  14. bamteck

    Physics: Post your doubts here!

    Thanks mate :) Would you mind helping me with this one : http://www.xtremepapers.com/papers/CIE/Cambridge%20International%20A%20and%20AS%20Level/Physics%20(9702)/9702_s08_qp_2.pdf no. 4 (b) (c)
  15. bamteck

    Physics: Post your doubts here!

    why does it leads the wave W ?
  16. bamteck

    Physics: Post your doubts here!

    how the graph looks like ? oO' Please help me for no. 6(b)(i) too :(
  17. bamteck

    Physics Practical 34 (Discussion)

  18. bamteck

    Physics: Post your doubts here!

    www.xtremepapers.com/papers/CIE/.../9702_w07_qp_2.pdf HELP NEEDED for no. 5 (a) :(
  19. bamteck

    No !

    No !
  20. bamteck

    Sucked ! I got my graph like this : / I wrongly measured L from B to A instead of A to B :(

    Sucked ! I got my graph like this : / I wrongly measured L from B to A instead of A to B :(