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  1. Cem

    Resit AS Level as often as I want to?

    Hey there, I messed up AS math last year and resit it this year again. Although I think I won't be getting the results that I actually want to (B or A). Can I resit a third time when I'm already out of school and still go to uni in a year? Cheers
  2. Cem

    Physics: Post your doubts here!

    nice! :) whys your guys exam so early? mine is 10 hours away
  3. Cem

    Physics: Post your doubts here!

    Hey ya, second attempt at AS Physics tomorrow.... :/ And I'm in Year 13. Do you guys know if I can still resit this AS Physics exam even when I'm not going to school anymore? because I'm pretty sure that I'm gonna mess it up tomorrow.... Physics is my life and I love it. Only problem is...
  4. Cem

    Physics: Post your doubts here!

    Practical 9702/35 was easy as!!