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The Workout, Health and Nutrition Thread

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I am going to get in shape. But I was blessed with a fast metabolism as a kid and was very active. It has been only in the last few years living this so called "real life" that I have turned into someone unhealthy and in a shape I do not want to be in. I have no clue how to get healthy. I do not know what foods to eat, good exercises and good habits to work into my day to day.

So I am making this thread to gather and share info for anyone else looking to get in shape or just hit a physical goal. Anyone with input please share. This thread is to help encourage me to achieve my goal, and I hope others can set their goals and as a community support each other to reach them. I will update with more info tomorrow.

Wholesale Jewelry
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I am also facing the same problem, even after long exercises and diet, i could not lose weight. Even if i lose weight, i gain it back very quickly within a week. help :/
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Losing weight is not kind of a swift process.It involves alot of patience and hard work....... so one whose doing it regularly is at benefit. Likewise, the diet is also controlled strictly .this doesn't at all mean that you cut off every food you like.Try adding foods to your diet instead of subtracting them. Add in healthy goodies you really love, like deep-red cherries, juicy grapes etc. Slip those favorite fruits into your bag lunch and breakfast cereal or whenever going to long journeys.Subtracting never works but adding does. And also the exercise you do also plays a major role.Like what type? and how much ? Eat early, don’t eat late: the earlier you eat, the sooner your metabolic things starts. The earlier you stop eating, the longer your body spends processing the day’s food and then your body fat during sleep. And I have seen many people daily....... with happy and jubilant faces...... saying that they have lost some weight these few weeks and they continue with same determination later too....... The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing: you can do it. It will be hard. But with the right support system, a flexible plan and a focus on the long term it is more than possible for you to lose any amount of weight.

I hope this helps :)
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Losing weight is not kind of a swift process.It involves alot of patience and hard work....... so one whose doing it regularly is at benefit. Likewise, the diet is also controlled strictly .this doesn't at all mean that you cut off every food you like.Try adding foods to your diet instead of subtracting them. Add in healthy goodies you really love, like deep-red cherries, juicy grapes etc. Slip those favorite fruits into your bag lunch and breakfast cereal or whenever going to long journeys.Subtracting never works but adding does. And also the exercise you do also plays a major role.Like what type? and how much ? Eat early, don’t eat late: the earlier you eat, the sooner your metabolic things starts. The earlier you stop eating, the longer your body spends processing the day’s food and then your body fat during sleep. And I have seen many people daily....... with happy and jubilant faces...... saying that they have lost some weight these few weeks and they continue with same determination later too....... The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing: you can do it. It will be hard. But with the right support system, a flexible plan and a focus on the long term it is more than possible for you to lose any amount of weight.

I hope this helps :)
thats all good but can u suggest any reason why i gain weight so quickly. I remember well about 5 to 6 years ago i was underweight and used to take medicines for health. i gained wait suddenly within some months and now i am much more overweigth. i want to lose it but even when i go slightly away from my diet plan or relax my exercise for a day, i gain some weight. i don't know whats the matter.
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How much underweight were you? And what type of medicines did you take? Dont take medicines for things you think you can do yourself without help of medicines. Have less weight ? hit the gym...... ;) :) .... and now as your saying you are overweight....... this can be the affect of the medicines you took.How much time has passed since you are working out/exercising? Just start exercising and dont stop.... try your best to be regular in it..... and make it a part of life.Initially you will feel uncomfortable but later on you body will get used to it..... and dont stop after some time just to check whether you gain again or not.... just keep on doing it till the time you think its enough and then after that step try maintaining the body. :) (and also contact any gym trainer/doctors for most accurate guidance) :)
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How much underweight were you? And what type of medicines did you take? Dont take medicines for things you think you can do yourself without help of medicines. Have less weight ? hit the gym...... ;) :) .... and now as your saying you are overweight....... this can be the affect of the medicines you took.How much time has passed since you are working out/exercising? Just start exercising and dont stop.... try your best to be regular in it..... and make it a part of life.Initially you will feel uncomfortable but later on you body will get used to it..... and dont stop after some time just to check whether you gain again or not.... just keep on doing it till the time you think its enough and then after that step try maintaining the body. :) (and also contact any gym trainer/doctors for most accurate guidance) :)
i was too much underweight and i took suppliments for vitamins, nutritions etc. however, still i lack vitamon D and some other nutrients. I think u r rite, i even joined the gym but due to several reasons i was irregular. I must manage my tough routine as there is no compromise for health. Maybe i gain weight cuz of thyroid problem i have. Thanks alot.
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i was too much underweight and i took suppliments for vitamins, nutritions etc. however, still i lack vitamon D and some other nutrients. I think u r rite, i even joined the gym but due to several reasons i was irregular. I must manage my tough routine as there is no compromise for health. Maybe i gain weight cuz of thyroid problem i have. Thanks alot.

Exactly..... i myself find it hard to go to gym everyday (although am not underweight or overweight) but I manage Alhamdulilah .... yeah!! thats the point health is wealth mate...... it sure is old but applies nowadays too...... May Allah bless you .... and I hope I helped you :)
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this triangle shows u how much & what type of food u need to eat.
follow it n ul see drastic results .

if ur struggling wid belly fat try to include more of :belly food.PNGeight loss.PNG
ps: 80% of the abs is made in the kitchen !;)
try eating more healthy food.
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I am going to get in shape. But I was blessed with a fast metabolism as a kid and was very active. It has been only in the last few years living this so called "real life" that I have turned into someone unhealthy and in a shape I do not want to be in. I have no clue how to get healthy. I do not know what foods to eat, good exercises and good habits to work into my day to day.

So I am making this thread to gather and share info for anyone else looking to get in shape or just hit a physical goal. Anyone with input please share. This thread is to help encourage me to achieve my goal, and I hope others can set their goals and as a community support each other to reach them. I will update with more info tomorrow.

Wholesale Jewelry
help me i have just the opposite problem (cant gain wait)
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help me i have just the opposite problem (cant gain wait)
first of all consult a problem, u may have a medical poblem which prevents u to gain weight. Other than that join gym so that u may gain sme weight, thay can tell u certain exercises to gain weight. some peple have fast metabolism so i think that u will have no benifit by eating more. but make sure that u don't get overweight :p
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help me i have just the opposite problem (cant gain wait)

Hit the gym...... do exercises ........ and eat alot...... although the metabolism rate varies from one person to another.Do exercises daily with a properly routine. If you eat alot only .... depends on metabolism and also the fat might start getting on you...... so to keep in shape hit gym and build a healthy body :)
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Green tea promotes rapid weight loss guys...
but yah u have 2 hav it after every meal!!and works if your patient enough say about a week signs will prove!!gudluck to all out ther facin the problem...
awesome thread guys!!thanx to u wagesduff ;)
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Green tea promotes rapid weight loss guys...
but yah u have 2 hav it after every meal!!and works if your patient enough say about a week signs will prove!!gudluck to all out ther facin the problem...
awesome thread guys!!thanx to u wagesduff ;)
I totally agree. It is more effective if u take it early in the morning, empty stomach before breakfast, and take a cup after about 30 minutes of exercise. Just add half a lemon in each cup n see how active u feel. Just u need to be patient while losing weight because sudden weight loss is not healthy in any case.
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AOA and hi people! i need help with something. so this is my routine on school days: wake up around 6 30. school starts at 8 00 finishes 2 45. get home by 3 30. study from 7 15-30 to around 9 00, have dinner and then study a little more. sleep at around 12 00. the problem is i often feel sleepy after coming home and do not get a lot of schoolwork done. i need something or some way to keep active during the time from when i come from school to when i sleep. i do exercise everyday for 15 to 30 minutes on a treadmill, play sports at school. i do not drink coffee and will not ever touch it. Any advice, solutions?
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AOA and hi people! i need help with something. so this is my routine on school days: wake up around 6 30. school starts at 8 00 finishes 2 45. get home by 3 30. study from 7 15-30 to around 9 00, have dinner and then study a little more. sleep at around 12 00. the problem is i often feel sleepy after coming home and do not get a lot of schoolwork done. i need something or some way to keep active during the time from when i come from school to when i sleep. i do exercise everyday for 15 to 30 minutes on a treadmill, play sports at school. i do not drink coffee and will not ever touch it. Any advice, solutions?
I also faced the same problem at the end of school day, although I didn't any frequent gaps and got 2-3 times short breaks. Well, here are some tips:
1) Have a good breakfast. It matters alot. A heavy breakfast will give you alot of energy. It can be anything you like. However, I would recommend you to have a cup of green tea or something like that with one or two eggs and bread. Or u may take a fruity breakfast with fresh juice and some fresh fruits. It will keep u active througout the day.
2) This mostly happens when u don't have enough sleep. Try to sleep a bit early at night i.e 10-10:30. However ur routines seems to be very tough. There are some flaws which if u manage to handle, u can keep ur self physically n mentally fresh. have ur dinner at about 8:00 and reduce ur study time from 7-8. If possible, keep it a little early i.e 6-7 or 6-8.
3) Whatever u say, sleeping at noon is not really bad. when u come to home, u may have a rest of half an hour. however, this may effect ur sleeping time at night.
4) its pleasing to know that u avoid coffee and energy drinks, they are really useless and maybe harmful as well. If u r still unable to keep urself active, consult a doctor as there may be some other reason i.e u may be lacking in some important supplement or something like that.
Hope it helps.
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Well all this is helpful and most of the things you mentioned i do them (except for the 'having dinner at eight which i will try to). but what i really need is some way to increase my study time, cannot possibly reduce it (since im doing A levels and mocks and exams are quite close)
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Well all this is helpful and most of the things you mentioned i do them (except for the 'having dinner at eight which i will try to). but what i really need is some way to increase my study time, cannot possibly reduce it (since im doing A levels and mocks and exams are quite close)

almost exactly the same problem here too! :( ..... why not trying to take some rest in the after noon?
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almost exactly the same problem here too! :( ..... why not trying to take some rest in the after noon?

i just cant, its like if i do i feel sooo sleepy for the rest of the day i get nothing done. guess i'll just have to start studying in the afternoon now to get fifnished with the extra workload (its something that i've never really done before, never actually had to)
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Well all this is helpful and most of the things you mentioned i do them (except for the 'having dinner at eight which i will try to). but what i really need is some way to increase my study time, cannot possibly reduce it (since im doing A levels and mocks and exams are quite close)
well, that can be a problem if u remain confused. First do not panic and think with cool minded how much time do u need for study. Take enough time so that before the exam, u just need to roughly revise all the concepts and that is it. I don't know how u study but here's an advice. u may and should have some spare time in school. In that go to library and take a subject to study. at last (if possible) leave some time for playing in school or u may balance it with the time u get at home. Try to complete ur assignments in the school, no matter what the deadline is. This will give u great relief. Just do tireless work in working days and relax urself in week days enough so u can start the next week fresh.