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Recent content by Dr.Sherman

  1. D

    How was 6BIO1 paper 1 ?

    didnt like the paper..it was too weird...nothing like any past papers...queations were in direct and out of the blue...but def waaaaayy better than yesterdays mutilation
  2. D

    I got 5a* 1a 2b lol.....but u beat me :(

    I got 5a* 1a 2b lol.....but u beat me :(
  3. D

    Chemistry Unit 3 Revision before the exam!

    you too man
  4. D

    AS Unit 3B Biology :) ==How was the exams? comment here

    thats why i dont like bio unit 3 they bring some ambigious questions whichnhave unsure answers
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    AS Unit 3B Biology :) ==How was the exams? comment here

    ye thats the thing [qwhich confusednme.dark spots means prophase has started...that confused me but i checked the indexes on next ppage and they were prettymlow..lol so i just counted actual dividing ones93, member: 53824"]but for some reason, either all of you are wrong or I am but I got a...
  6. D

    Chemistry Unit 3 Revision before the exam!

    which thread link me up maybe....or tell me the name
  7. D

    AS Unit 3B Biology :) ==How was the exams? comment here

    lol i think too instead of dotting one i just labelled the two...hopefully they still give me marks e, post: 518251, member: 53824"]Both variables were continuous. The graph in the 2013 paper was one with a discrete x-axis variable. So, it was the conc of oxygen againt partial pre. The two line...
  8. D

    Chemistry Unit 3 Revision before the exam!

    and make sure you know processes for cleaning stuff...the whole filter wash distill etc etc
  9. D

    But you did Cambridge Igcse...isn't it kinda sorta........easier? LOl

    But you did Cambridge Igcse...isn't it kinda sorta........easier? LOl
  10. D

    Chemistry Unit 3 Revision before the exam!

    i think thats the only reason....do u know why conc hcl is used in flame test?"nickixellao, post: 518227, member: 66861"]guys could anyone tell me why dilute nitric acid is used in the test for halogens. i know one reason is to get rid of competing ions that would interfere with the test (ex...
  11. D

    Chemistry Unit 3 Revision before the exam!

    so psyched for chem omg omg lol.
  12. D


  13. D

    AS Unit 3B Biology :) ==How was the exams? comment here

    every body keeps saying they drew bar fraphs..how can you draw that if the clasees are continuous...pressure varies..unlike if it were cat dog fish on the x axis..thennyou would draw cars cause its completly diff classes....dnnw though..my advice is just dont rely on jan 2013 papaer just cause...
  14. D

    Chemistry Unit 3 Revision before the exam!

    kwwll...omg im scared for physics unit 3..basically i hate all unit 3s except chem....but im clueless in physics...any tips on what i should read?