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Recent content by fatimaTorrabi

  1. fatimaTorrabi


  2. fatimaTorrabi

    your fav food items

    Noaoaoaoao! I don think I am upset for studyimg in the Univ. of Tehran! cos it is still the best one in here, and the availability of journals and papers of all kinds is quite proper in Teh. Uni., better that all other Univ.s in Iran. I am quite agree with U that I myself am the agent of my...
  3. fatimaTorrabi

    your fav food items

    Ive seen many people who don like travelling (glued to the ground of their homes:giggle:), so if U too like that, dont thimg every one else also does!:p actually this is not an exhchange one, but AISEC is the internatinal society for students that have branch in every country and should have one...
  4. fatimaTorrabi

    your fav food items

    What R these abbreviations U use Rvel? A.I. and P.S. ? soryy, I am not expert in chatting nd these stuffs!:giggle: oh my God! U exactly said what I was going to say to clarify my theory more!:eek: U see, I was going to explain that in Iran, there is a big mistake about choosing field of study...
  5. fatimaTorrabi

    your fav food items

    U know, I have a challenging personality and I love travelling very much. I don remember saying "NO" to any travelling suggestion to any where! :D (Never!) I am always packed to go somewhere outside home! But unfortunately, although I've travelled to many places in Iran, the opportunity to...
  6. fatimaTorrabi

    your fav food items

    Yeah, today's concern is exactly what me, U ane meny other environmentalists and many people are concern about! No, not that one (an incredible truth?!) but I've watched "HOME" documentary. incredible!owsome! :love: and frightening at the same time :eek: Try to find and watch it! promise U'll...
  7. fatimaTorrabi

    Here to find some friends

    Here to find some friends
  8. fatimaTorrabi

    your fav food items

    Oh! and I found sooooooo many yammyyyyyyy Indian foooods in wikipedia! the pics really took me uncouncious!:X3::LOL::ROFLMAO: I can not wait to go there see the beauties and eat all the foods!( I said "go" cos U R not there!:p)
  9. fatimaTorrabi

    your fav food items

    U know in Iran from the basis: we have 5 years of elementary school, 3 years of intermediate level, and 4 years of high school to get a diploma in only 4 branches (maths, humanistics, natural sciences, and arts). after that we all go to a big race called "conquer" (the university entrance exam)...
  10. fatimaTorrabi

    your fav food items

    U seem a nice boy!:) tnx for understanding me (us) and not opposing my ideas, and I really understand Ur opinion about Iran's freign policy. I would think the same as U if I were outside of this situation for sure!;) Binnnnggg: what is a level U said? cos we dont have such a thing in our grades...
  11. fatimaTorrabi

    your fav food items

    uh! and sth else to Rvel: I will be pleased to have you as a guest to Isfahan Biryani, although I live in Tehran! ( I really mean it, it is not ta'arof)
  12. fatimaTorrabi

    your fav food items

    Salman! thanks alot:) and I am agree with u from the bottom of my heart. I've heard that too many poor people live in india. I don really know what should I do as a muslim when they look in my eyes:( it is really depressing to know sth you cant really do sth substantial for it!:( Just praying is...
  13. fatimaTorrabi

    your fav food items

    tnx about food names dear Rvel,I will google the recipes.mrci.I am agree with U about sami Yusuf, but plz 4 god sake don talk about that fool man Ahmadinejad!:mad: yeah he stands upon US, but who is paying for it?! us people!:( he is not a qualified manager, all his decisions are due to his...
  14. fatimaTorrabi

    your fav food items

    Tnks Rvel!:) (is it Ur real name?) in Iran we have a food called Biryani (in Isfahan city), but I suppose it is different: sheep meat and onions with all its fat! but is Ur biryani sweet? or just chilly? cos I've heard indians love 2 kinds of foods: chilly to death! or sweet as candy! I love...
  15. fatimaTorrabi

    your fav food items
