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Recent content by Hamid Ali

  1. Hamid Ali

    Pakistan Studies, Islamiyat and Urdu: Post your doubts here!

    Guys any guess papers for the exams that r gonna b retaken
  2. Hamid Ali

    Pakistan Studies, Islamiyat and Urdu: Post your doubts here!

    Why has death rate in pak decreased/increased? Please reply asap
  3. Hamid Ali

    Pakistan Studies, Islamiyat and Urdu: Post your doubts here!

    What was dyarchy?(4) Please proper 4 marks ans would b appreciated n reply asap
  4. Hamid Ali

    Pakistan Studies, Islamiyat and Urdu: Post your doubts here!

    Aurangzeb was ambitious to be the ruler of entire India. He built up a massive army and launched several military campaigns to expand his empire. He went north-west into Afghanistan, and drove southwards to conquer Bijapur and Golconda states. Though he succeeded in expanding the empire, but it...
  5. Hamid Ali

    Thnx sis

    Thnx sis
  6. Hamid Ali

    Pakistan Studies, Islamiyat and Urdu: Post your doubts here!

    Can somebody please grade this ans Why were the british able to replace the mughals as a dominant force in the subcontinent by 1850?(7) Ans. The most important reason is that Indians were not united as a nation against the invaders. India was a collection of disunited states with religious and...
  7. Hamid Ali

    Pakistan Studies, Islamiyat and Urdu: Post your doubts here!

    'Turkey might split' was the main reasin for the khilafat movement of 1919. Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons to support ur ans?(14) Please sumone help me with this question Detailes ans would be appreciated
  8. Hamid Ali

    Pakistan Studies, Islamiyat and Urdu: Post your doubts here!

    Than Thnx but doctrine of lapse would be wrong as it was introduced in 1852 n the question says from 1750-1850.. anyhow thanx
  9. Hamid Ali

    Pakistan Studies, Islamiyat and Urdu: Post your doubts here!

    H HeY yogaa, i just read the ans i wrote n i know its deserves only four cuz i missed 2 points.... also i was half asleep when i wrote the ans ;-)
  10. Hamid Ali

    Pakistan Studies, Islamiyat and Urdu: Post your doubts here!

    Jinnah produced his 14 points reponse to the nehru report of 1928 The report contained many points which were against muslim interests such as seperate electorates to be replaced by joint electorats, hindi as official language, unitary form of government in place of federal government...
  11. Hamid Ali

    May Allah bless all of us

    May Allah bless all of us
  12. Hamid Ali

    Pakistan Studies, Islamiyat and Urdu: Post your doubts here!

    Can somebody please grade my ans Explain why britain was so successful in extending it's control of the subcontinent between 1750 n 1850?(7) Answer. The British were so successful in extending their control because of their millitary strength. They fought a series of bloody wars n successfully...
  13. Hamid Ali

    Pakistan Studies, Islamiyat and Urdu: Post your doubts here!

    U can get details of the 4 shia books from iftikharul haq
  14. Hamid Ali

    Pakistan Studies, Islamiyat and Urdu: Post your doubts here!

    Can someone tell me about a book through which i could easily prepare for section 3 of history