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Recent content by MU2013

  1. MU2013

    Economics, Accounting & Business: Post your doubts here!

    define MR, the different types of market research, make point of their key features, for eg, primary being more accurate, deliberated for the purpose whereas secondary being variably inaccurate, cheaper, biased nature, skewed data, misinterpreted actions as a result go ahead with how primary...
  2. MU2013

    Economics, Accounting & Business: Post your doubts here!

    if alternative jobs were scarce option was d, then yes, d
  3. MU2013

    Economics, Accounting & Business: Post your doubts here!

    It is credit controller .
  4. MU2013

    Economics, Accounting & Business: Post your doubts here!

    June June, D i think credit 550