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Recent content by sarahnafea

  1. S

    Chemistry as prac

    That's okay. I got a C in my chemistry practical but still managed to get an overall A. (:
  2. S

    Chemistry as prac

    Don't be nervous before you start practicals. RELAX. Might sound simple, but trust me it's the best piece of advice you can get.
  3. S

    Need tips on how to write faster!!

    Don't stress too much about neatness. Just get everything in your head on that paper as fast as you can! Ofcourse, neatness is a bonus if you want a world rank. However I don't know about you, but I'd rather not get a world rank for messy handwriting than being neat and missing half the paper...
  4. S


    lol i dont u think u quite understood me...i got an A for Bio and A for chem but in my components i got a B for bio "practical" and a C for chem "practical". I only managed to get an A overall because I had high As in both p1 and p2 :) i had a great teacher, but i wasnt so great with practicals...
  5. S


    I went the whole nine yards with Biology and Chemistry practicals last year, still got a B and a C for bio and chem practicals respectively. Did manage to pull off an A in both subjects though. I don't mean to rain on your parade ofcourse but if you feel practicals aren't your strongest ally, do...
  6. S


    yup :D just one more thing, u replied to my post on ur wall and u said it has to be 12 years..what do u mean by that??
  7. S


    Haha, I didn't realise you started already. I wish you well.
  8. S


    Well I'm still a senior in highschool but my older brother is in his last year of medschool so I have a little background on medicine to some extent. I think the big takeaway from what I've seen is that going into medicine is a wonderful thing, especially if you have the passion for it. (And...
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    To those of you who are wondering, I have received confirmation from several official sources, both online and in hard copy. According to Tanseeq 2013/2014, only one Alevel is required from Egyptian students as of this year. This may or may not apply to certain private universities requiring...
  10. S

    AS Components' effect on Alevel result

    thanks alot :) such a relief
  11. S

    AS Components' effect on Alevel result

    yeah she got an A
  12. S

    AS Components' effect on Alevel result

    thanks alot for ur help. just one more thing, my friend got A, A, C on her AS components...does she have a chance at an A* as well in Alevel?
  13. S


    i asked, im getting a reply in two days with a documented report.
  14. S

    AS Components' effect on Alevel result

    I hope that will not be a problem, I have a whole year and nothing but Biology A2 to study. I think that's enough time right?
  15. S

    AS Components' effect on Alevel result

    Is that hard to do?