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Sofa Minh Phu chuyen san xuat cac san pham noi that do roi nhu sofa, giuong ngu, ghe an, vach ni, ban tra, ke tivi, tab dau giuong, Voi doi ngu nhan vien giau kinh nghiem va ky thuat san xuat hang dau, don vi nay tao ra nhung san pham dep mat va ben vung. Khach hang co the tim thay cac mau tu hien dai den co dien, dap ung moi phong cach va so thich ca nhan.
#sofaminhphu, #sofaminhphuvn, #minhphunoithatcaocap #noithatphongngu #noithatphongngu
Thong tin chi tiet:
Email: [email protected]
SDT: 092 536 28 28
Dia chi: Thon Co Dien, xa Hai Boi, Dong Anh, Ha Noi
Jan 18, 1992 (Age: 32)
Ha Noi Viet Nam