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Recent content by ssdf

  1. ssdf

    Will appearing Privately for O levels final year affect our addmission in A levels or F.sc?

    I'm giving it through my school alright. I just needed to know if it'd be an issue if I entered otherwise. Thank You.
  2. ssdf

    Will appearing Privately for O levels final year affect our addmission in A levels or F.sc?

    So you're saying that appearing private won't be an issue for my admission in either A levels or F.Sc? And whoa, those are some grades. How come you have 12 grades? all I'm appearing for are 8 subjects in all, in O levels that is
  3. ssdf

    Will appearing Privately for O levels final year affect our addmission in A levels or F.sc?

    I just gave Islamiat, Pakistan Studies and Urdu this May/June (2012), and I'll be giving Math, English, Chemistry, Physics and Computer Studies (not Biology) next year, in 2013, inshAllah. And I haven't appeared more than once for any subject.
  4. ssdf

    Will appearing Privately for O levels final year affect our addmission in A levels or F.sc?

    Hey, I'm appearing for my final O'level exams in 2013, I wanted to know if I appear privately, will it affect my admission in A level or F.Sc? Just asking in case private candidates are not favoured in any college. Thank you :)
  5. ssdf

    Computer Studies Project or ATC?

    I'm a student of O'level Computer Studies appearing in 2013. I'm hearing CIE people are starting to encourage students to do Computer Studies Paper 3 (Alternatvie to Coursework). What should I do? The project or Paper 3? I thought I should leave a thread here so any experienced person can help...
  6. ssdf

    XtremePapers Contest 2012!

    Oh, no worries, when are you holding it next time? Next year? Do answer my question above though, it might help me sign up for the contest next time you hold one. Thank you.
  7. ssdf

    XtremePapers Contest 2012!

    I'm in my O'levels and I've made revision notes for Pakistan Studies exam I gave this year in May/June (2012). Can I apply for the contest as well? Plus how are we supposed to give you the notes, they're all hand written and too long, like it's a booklet I've made. Do answer.
  8. ssdf

    How 2 delete a thread??? :/

    yeah, they've told me the same :) So relieved.
  9. ssdf

    How 2 delete a thread??? :/

    weird, I can't find it anywhere. I think it's gone then?
  10. ssdf

    who is a moderator around here?

    who is a moderator around here?
  11. ssdf

    How 2 delete a thread??? :/

    So should we ask them to do it?
  12. ssdf

    how can we delete a thread?

    how can we delete a thread?
  13. ssdf

    How 2 delete a thread??? :/

    I really wanted to know how can we delete a thread from here?