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Recent content by studious66

  1. studious66

    English letter format help! Is address compulsory?

    no address is not compulsory if we have to start with dear sir/madam :) thats what i learned from school and pastpapers.
  2. studious66

    biology ATP

    thankyou :)
  3. studious66

    physics ATP

    how can i download physics atp marking schemes from this site?
  4. studious66

    biology ATP

    t hankyou so much i will try my best inshAllah :)
  5. studious66

    biology ATP

    my main problems are the magnification questions and the plant questions!
  6. studious66

    biology ATP

    iam giving olevels exams this year and iam having trouble in biology ATP. i solve past papers but i am not able to get more than 30 out of 40. :( any tips or learning ways would be very helpful.
  7. studious66

    cies :(

    cies :(
  8. studious66

    i dont need to plaese you.

    i dont need to plaese you.
  9. studious66

    physics ATP need help!

    thankyou so much :)
  10. studious66

    giving O2 exams this year :)

    giving O2 exams this year :)
  11. studious66

    physics ATP need help!

    can someone please post the physics past papers for ATP from year 2000 -2008. I have the unsolved ones and i cant find the answers anywhere :( any links or any website where i can find the answers would be appreciated :)