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Saad Mughal
Saad Mughal
Computer Studies - You must have completed your preparation, right? :D
I've just started mine, however, I do have one query, in the spreadsheet questions (and in general all others) can we give answers according to the latest software?
Saad Mughal
Saad Mughal
For example, if rounding off to 1 decimal point is required, can we give the answer Select (cell *: cell *) then select format cell (right click option) and go to numbers and set 1 decimal place (this is according to the Microsoft Office 2007 version), so can we give the answers in this way?
Suchal Riaz
Suchal Riaz
you dont have to tell exact software wise way. there are general things a person must know. for example: right-clicking, formatting cell, set decmel place to 1. yup :) it is general way. u r right. it is mostly same for every software but examiner wants to see that you know how can y format a cell(obviously by right =-clicking or by format menu i guess.)
Saad Mughal
Saad Mughal
Thanks! :D. This was probably the only confusion I had in Computer. It's pretty easy (mostly general knowledge).
You sure must have completed Physics preparation, right? I just wanted to ask that do bistable/astable circuits and star formation (nuclear physics) actually come in the exams? They're not in some of the books, but I have studied about them although I'm still unclear of the astable circuits.