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Experienced One
Experienced One
YES I HAV :D *all excited*
muaaaaah :p
the person who cmntd above me is one ov dem :p
Apple Ipad64
Apple Ipad64
err...excuse me kidos:/ wats up with the muwahs on the wall? ??
Please care for other ppls sensibilities:(
Experienced One
Experienced One
Apple Ipad64 were u stalkin me? xD
and dont take the muahhs in a wrong sense pls -_-"
Apple Ipad64
Apple Ipad64
yea yea. im stalking u hahahhaha. u reallyn think so? Im an engaged woman n i have better things to do:p
bt i guess im old nw n a lil conventional:p bt realy.. kisses are for THE MAN. doesnt apply to friends:D
Apple Ipad64
Apple Ipad64
n i dnt mean no offence. im treating u like my lil sister yea?
Experienced One
Experienced One
better things such as criticizing lil ones? :p
its good being "conventional" and polite at the same time :D
y? dont u kiss ur mom or female friends?
if u dont den u r seriously an overly matured person :S
Apple Ipad64
Apple Ipad64
ahahahha. this is what i like abt young ppl...their ability to improvise in the most hideous of situations.
look kido..hez a guy n i knw it. dnt pretend he is ur female friend now.
Apple Ipad64
Apple Ipad64
n ofcourse im ur frind n sister.im nt some evil witch frm the west:p
Experienced One
Experienced One
i noe he's a guy... and i was askin u... he was outta the scene wen i was writing that....
r u here to mock at me?
i just respect my elders dats y im not sayin much.. so pls dont make me :)
Apple Ipad64
Apple Ipad64
ahahhahaha. Goodness. u r taking offense:p
Experienced One
Experienced One
i dont get it
ur frst cmnt is always a rude one den a second immediate cmnt cums all sweet and all... :S
Apple Ipad64
Apple Ipad64
cool it sweetner. its none of my business. i was momentarily shocked thats it:) u cleared it up+D now chill hon
Apple Ipad64
Apple Ipad64
im anything but rude if knew me really:D
n if u really wana knw y i read ur profile ..well ur signature sort of drew my attention..experienced one..it said some pretty deep stuff..bt it turns out u r a sensitive lil girl:) my apologies if my bluntness upset u. never meant any harm:)
Experienced One
Experienced One
i dint aggravate...
im all chilled up ;)
well next time u can do a lil research if u r shockd instead of misunderstanding things ^^
Apple Ipad64
Apple Ipad64
well that marks the line to my patience with young ppl. good day young lady.
P.S. Im a writer on the roll. I think u just gave a lil idea i can plug in my book:)
Good oll Days XD