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shahzadi afia
shahzadi afia
That Olive spread? :/
Muhammad TAimoor
Muhammad TAimoor
Not hungry anymore :p
shahzadi afia
shahzadi afia
Ohh ok lol feel free to stare at it whenever u r hungry :)
Muhammad TAimoor
Muhammad TAimoor
Haha okay..
So you doing Alevels?
shahzadi afia
shahzadi afia
Yeah wbu?
Muhammad TAimoor
Muhammad TAimoor
one with them B)
shahzadi afia
shahzadi afia
u mean done?
Muhammad TAimoor
Muhammad TAimoor
Yes done. AS went well but A2's result was so freakishly unexpected.
shahzadi afia
Muhammad TAimoor
Muhammad TAimoor
Nevermind, i'm over it now. All that matters is getting into university, jo k hojayega IA so no worries B)