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  1. X

    Physics P-22 GT.

    i thought u can also get 82 exactly to get A too
  2. X

    How did physics 33 go??

    can someone who if only is sure tell me something please? in the limitations/improvements question i wrote: 1)Parallax error "with nothing else to add" 1)look perpendicularly with one eye closed. 2)difficult to release marble/sphere without adding external forces. 2)use mechanical method...
  3. X

    Physics P-22 GT.

  4. X

    Physics P-22 GT.

    arguing here wont help anything just wait till the ms is out,and the wavelength was 450x10^-9 not 450x10^-7
  5. X

    Physics P-22 GT.

    it said that "a redlight is used instead,state the changes to the fringes"not the differences between the wavelengths
  6. X

    Physics P-22 GT.

    the angle that they make isnt related to them.check the ms the question came many times i never saw anything about the angle but i dont know im not an examiner myself :p
  7. X

    Physics P-22 GT.

    it said state the changes to the fringes hence include everything.
  8. X

    Physics P-22 GT.

    surely the extension in Q is 1/2 e.since Q is bigger having much bigger cross section,Q will have less extension hence less strain so only 2:1 makes sense.
  9. X

    Physics P-22 GT.

    yes P=VI do u remember the voltage in the battery?and the current ?i remember the current was 2.4 u get that from the graph.and the angle is relevant so sadly i think they wont count it u need to mention the fringe's brighness/seperation/number,as the question said.
  10. X

    Physics P-22 GT.

    i solved it like this:after getting the net force the only forces causing the acceleration are mgsin(theta) and friction R hence:mgsin(theta)-R=ma "ma is 170 which is the net force we got"solving it gives R but i forgot the values of theta and m so i cant calc it do u remember them?i think 35/30...
  11. X

    Physics P-22 GT.

    the K basic SI units were:kg.m.s^-3.k^-1? the coin density:12500+or-800? the sliding box question:1)the two other forces were weight+contact force 2)net force:170 N while 3)R=390 N? the electricity question:resistance:12 ohms while power in battery:58 W? the waves question:slit...
  12. X

    Physics P-22 GT.

  13. X

    Physics P-22 GT.

    im sorry this reply was intended at your other comment about the second ratio.
  14. X

    Physics P-22 GT.

    strain:extension/original length.so i think if u think about it logically,the strain in P must be greater than in Q since P will surely have more extension,thus the ratio must be "something more than 1:1".because more extension means more strain.
  15. X

    Physics P-22 GT.

    does anyone remember their answers? the 2nd question about the coin and electricity +waves?
  16. X

    Physics P-22 GT.

    i think increases the p.d cuz the current decreases but i dont remember
  17. X

    Physics P-22 GT.

    2:1 tho not entirely sure
  18. X

    Mechanics 1 P42 2014; Discussion!

    then 2 months from now?where can i find them once they are out?
  19. X

    Mechanics 1 P42 2014; Discussion!

    do u know when a MS is going to be uploaded?
  20. X

    Mechanics 1 P42 2014; Discussion!

    u already know that from R since R is the net frictional and viscous forces on the object calced before this q to be 15.5 N.after this to find tension:T-mg-R=ma which gives T=17.59 N.