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Search results

  1. T

    very urgent physics p34 help!!

    can someone please explain j07 31 Q2 briefly.. PLEASE....
  2. T

    physx P34----CONFIRMED!!!! 100%

    can someone please help me j07 31 Q2... when we record the position of center of mass of ball do we place a ruler from the ground and measure where the ball is??
  3. T

    chemistry p4 topics to stress on

    thank you binology!! you're definitely great help..
  4. T

    physics p5 predictionsss!

    how would you vary the temperature for the change of resistance across the thermistor??
  5. T

    Urgent help in physics p5

    thank you all really appreciate it
  6. T

    45 Things to do in an exam you know you gonna fail!

    i really enjoyed 44, too bad what you suggested wasnt an option so i just asked the invigilator to change my seat :p
  7. T

    Urgent help in physics p5

    O/N 08 Q.2. part b,c and d.. majorly concerned bout how do you find the absolute errors for ln R?? also, if someone could give me a quick go through on how to attempt Q.1 of any physics p5.. my sir has been a complete douche through out and is pretty much useless so i really need this, thanks in...