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  1. O

    A2 Biology | Post your doubts here

    Thnx alot angelgirl u helpd alot :)
  2. O

    A2 Biology | Post your doubts here

    Explain how the collecting ducts in the kidneys may reduce the loss of water frm the body Collecting duct runs down into the the medulla where solute concentration of the tissue fluid is very high, with a very low water potential. Water therefore moves out the collecting duct, by osmosis, until...
  3. O

    A2 Biology | Post your doubts here

  4. O

    A2 Biology | Post your doubts here

    Thnx :)
  5. O

    A2 Biology | Post your doubts here

    I Its in may june 2005 too Species are evolved by allopatric and sympatric speciation. Isolating mechanisms plays a very imp role in separation of differnt groups of species whch may later develop into new species .. In allopatric speciatn geographical isolation occurs in which species are...
  6. O

    A2 Biology | Post your doubts here

    Agreed :) thnx :) best of luck
  7. O

    A2 Biology | Post your doubts here

    Asha in previous they gave us a table about it
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    A2 Biology | Post your doubts here

    No If anything about it will come thn the table fr it wil be givn
  9. O

    A2 Biology | Post your doubts here

    Nop it can be in section A too Biology is i think the only subject in whch u can see applications in section too Examiner of biology likes to give shocks :p
  10. O

    A2 Biology | Post your doubts here

    Same is wid me :) wish u and every1 else best of luck and wish me luck too :) Allah karam karey humsab pr Ameen
  11. O

    A2 Biology | Post your doubts here

    Totally agreed :p
  12. O

    A2 Biology | Post your doubts here

    Totally :) I just saw ur msg after posting :p
  13. O

    A2 Biology | Post your doubts here

    The concept of hydrophobic to be applied here i think angelgirl
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    A2 Biology | Post your doubts here

    I agreed wid u i didnt mean tht i dont agree
  15. O

    A2 Biology | Post your doubts here

    Its about having advantage Outside malarial area u dont have any advantage of having Sickle cell trait But in malarial area there is an advantage that u dont die becoz of sickle cell or malaria
  16. O

    A2 Biology | Post your doubts here

    I think the only advantage for sickle cell trait is survival There r no advantage other thn restistant to malaria nd is only carrier of disease
  17. O

    A2 Biology | Post your doubts here

    Sickle cell anaemia is a disease which cannot be cured... Whether u r inside or outside the malarial area U r still resistant tO malaria but ull die of sickle cell anaemia Except the gene causing it is replaced .. Thts wht i think Plx correct me if i am wrong
  18. O

    A2 Biology | Post your doubts here

    I read it angelgirl and confirmed it from my teacher tht there is no way to show homo or heterozygocity by simply looking at this table Only the thing tht u can tell by looking at the table is hybrid : heterozygous U dont have details for otherx to explain
  19. O

    A2 Biology | Post your doubts here

    Yea i wasted time thinking about it But wht i first wrote was : Resistant group have maximum mutated gene .. Hybrid have less mutated gene thn resistan and susceptible have no mutated gene
  20. O

    A2 Biology | Post your doubts here

    Hybrid is heterozygous HYbrid : an offspring resulting frm cross breeding