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  1. B

    INFO on Phy Prctical 31?

    You wanna meat? When nd wear? I'll b waitin... with ma croonies... I WANT to meat with uu!!!! I reelly doo! I just wish that u lived in jeddah saodi arab, i wntd 2 meat u!!!!
  2. B

    INFO on Phy Prctical 31?

    Hahah you guyzz think tht u r cool.. Hahahaha studiex r fr looserzzz
  3. B

    INFO on Phy Prctical 31?

    Yo lisn up people, i got da confirmd news tht there is a rheostat. but rheostatx are nt good... i hate them And 'otaiba13' u seem lyk a big nerd tryin to b cool... well go home and study... tht is ur life.