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  1. mdmroker

    Maths Syllabus D Paper 12.

    Please read the last part of what I said.
  2. mdmroker

    Maths Syllabus D Paper 12.

    I've already mentioned this in another thread and I'll say it once more: Don't plan to spoil everyone's hopes, but just so you know, the wage of $7.60 was for each HOUR worked. The girl wasn't going to get paid for the quarter hour she worked after 8 hours. Simply, the wage was 7.60×8=$60.8...
  3. mdmroker

    mathematics syllybus D p1 discussion

    Hahahah. Guess so.
  4. mdmroker

    mathematics syllybus D p1 discussion

    Read what I said bro.
  5. mdmroker

    mathematics syllybus D p1 discussion

    Don't plan to spoil everyone's hopes, but just so you know, the wage of $7.60 was for each HOUR worked. The girl wasn't going to get paid for the quarter hour she worked after 8 hours. Simply, the wage was 7.60×8=$60.8. I've done questions like these multiple times and the examiner has always...