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Search results

  1. M

    Ameen :'(

    Ameen :'(
  2. M

    Thanks! Same to you I am So much worried

    Thanks! Same to you I am So much worried
  3. M

    Nothing much. Wby??!! You know what I have just changed my maths subject. So thankful to you^^

    Nothing much. Wby??!! You know what I have just changed my maths subject. So thankful to you^^
  4. M

    Jadda Students !

    You can get it from Afnan stationary in Azizia road
  5. M


  6. M

    Thanks ^^. can we b friends?

    Thanks ^^. can we b friends?
  7. M

    Is 0580 maths and 0607 the same?

    Thank you so much and sorry for bothering you ^^
  8. M

    Is 0580 maths and 0607 the same?

    oh hehehe ;). What about saudi arab?
  9. M

    Is 0580 maths and 0607 the same?

    I am in Saudi arab. Is this an international number or wat?
  10. M

    Is 0580 maths and 0607 the same?

    Are'nt you worried?:(
  11. M

    Is 0580 maths and 0607 the same?

    private candidate. Its my first tym i really dont have any idea about it. can you pls tel lme how t ochange my syllabus?
  12. M

    may/june 13

    Can i change my maths code now?? i have applied for may/june exam i find it really tough want to change it to core mathematics
  13. M

    Is 0580 maths and 0607 the same?

    I have applied for may/june exam? Will I be able t ochange it to 0580? And thanks:)
  14. M

    Is 0580 maths and 0607 the same?

    I am really confused about it. I choose 0607 for my may/june exam whereas in my book its given as 0580