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Search results

  1. aneeqa

    People who have given SAT's..

    Idk how ur going to apply for University of toronto and any top university for that matter in canada with AS results cuz all of them want A2 levels. nd yh if u do A2 levels ur grd certificate jst has an average of ur A2 nd AS levels grds so if u get a B in AS and a high A in A2 then ur grd...
  2. aneeqa

    People who have given SAT's..

    I'm not sure abt scholarship since these top unis don't really give foreigners unless they hv scored extremely high . but surely u hv a chance of getting in. University of Toronto requires A's in chem physics and Math for As and A2 levels for engineering. they require a minimum of B nothing less...
  3. aneeqa

    Physics p61

    u had to hv 2 significant figures . if u wrote more than tht u get wrong
  4. aneeqa

    Physics p61

    ur ryt :) dont wry
  5. aneeqa

    Physics p61

    2 significant figures. answer was 1.5 ohms :)
  6. aneeqa

    People who have given SAT's..

    umm they care abt results, i hvnt heard of any benefits. i hv done a lot of research on Canadian universities cuz i was planning to go there nd they really jst care abt watevr curriculum u do, u score high in it . well obv depends on what uni ur planning to go, they all hv different grade...
  7. aneeqa

    People who have given SAT's..

    oh ok. was talking abt canada US England nd australia where i hv searched
  8. aneeqa

    InshAllah :)

    InshAllah :)
  9. aneeqa

    thnx . shes my baby (L) . my baby sister :P

    thnx . shes my baby (L) . my baby sister :P
  10. aneeqa

    *** was that(physics paper 3)

    idk , becaouse all this is not for design but lets ee u myt b ryt. i knw the r vry specific when they refer to deign cuz i hv seen it in past papers and plus i hv been penalised in my school exams mny times .
  11. aneeqa

    People who have given SAT's..

    really SATs is no use and advantgae if ur not planning to go to an American university. just go ahead with ur AS and A2 its good enuh. no need for SATs waste of time. but if ur going to US then just do till AS , give ur SATs nd go. cuz apparently American universities care more abt SAT grades...
  12. aneeqa

    *** was that(physics paper 3)

    hmm is it ryt saying up nd down along the line of travel of the wave?
  13. aneeqa

    *** was that(physics paper 3)

    is tht u in ur picture?
  14. aneeqa

    *** was that(physics paper 3)

    wat did u write for the movement of a water molecule as a ripple of wave passes? nd do u remb if they mentioned molecule on surface or under water?
  15. aneeqa

    *** was that(physics paper 3)

    yh wider tube nd smaller flask is definitely wrong. its dsnt mke sense:P
  16. aneeqa

    *** was that(physics paper 3)

    no its adds up to 180 but the total is out of 200 they mke adjustments to the mark nd mke them add up to 200
  17. aneeqa

    *** was that(physics paper 3)

    and InshAllah u will get an A*
  18. aneeqa

    *** was that(physics paper 3)

    r u like a smart student in ur class? like one of the smartest ?
  19. aneeqa

    *** was that(physics paper 3)

    yh omg:P do u think the threshold will go below 160?
  20. aneeqa

    *** was that(physics paper 3)

    phewww :P