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  1. W

    Computers & ICT: Post your doubts here!

    no jst keep them as they r
  2. W

    Computers & ICT: Post your doubts here!

    i have no idea they might change the paper or not but this is wt came in my exam and couple of my friends who gave the day after me
  3. W

    Computers & ICT: Post your doubts here!

    u had to make a bar chart but it was nthng hard just select to already given columns and insert a chart
  4. W

    Computers & ICT: Post your doubts here!

    I would say practice the excel part of oct nov 2011 and jst practice the if fuction i am nt really sure its in which paper
  5. W

    Computers & ICT: Post your doubts here!

    We had to write a report about verification and validation but u can copy it of the internet i copied from wikipedia and the main thing we had to do was edit the report according to the given specification and then we had power point inwhich we had to make hyperlinks thts all
  6. W

    Computers & ICT: Post your doubts here!

    i dnt remember the whole thing bt it was if capacity is >1000 then it should be 1 then if it is>400 and<1000 then it should be 1 for 400 seats plus 1 extra and if >5000 then 15 this might nt be of much help to u bt this is wt i remember
  7. W

    Computers & ICT: Post your doubts here!

    http://www.rockict.net/venues in excel the first three formulas were vlookup which were easy but the last three were hard frm which one was a if function besides this the paper ws pretty easy
  8. W

    Computers & ICT: Post your doubts here!

    it says paper 2 check it once again and i gave AS exam nt alevel
  9. W

    we had to explain wt was validation and verification and why is it used i just copied frm the...

    we had to explain wt was validation and verification and why is it used i just copied frm the wikipedia then we had to edit the document. it was fr 49 marks
  10. W

    Computers & ICT: Post your doubts here!

    we r allowed
  11. W

    Computers & ICT: Post your doubts here!

    this is the website from where i downloaded the supporting file fr may june 2012
  12. W

    Computers & ICT: Post your doubts here!

  13. W

    Computers & ICT: Post your doubts here!

    the hardest fuction was if and they have already given the website and the paper was easy compared to previous years
  14. W

    Computers & ICT: Post your doubts here!

    yeah Excel was a bit hard and u only had to download the supporting file it wasnt anything complicated.
  15. W

    Computers & ICT: Post your doubts here!

    i had excel in my paper and we had to use vlookup in 3 columns and if function in one then we had to use a a formula similar to the minutes in oct /nov 2011 and then we had write a report about validation and verification then we had a small part of powerpoint in which we only had to make a...
  16. W

    Computers & ICT: Post your doubts here!

    thanx and sure i will let u knw wt came :)
  17. W

    Computers & ICT: Post your doubts here!

    when is yours
  18. W

    Computers & ICT: Post your doubts here!

    tmrw :P
  19. W

    Computers & ICT: Post your doubts here!

    thank u man u have helped me alot :)
  20. W

    Computers & ICT: Post your doubts here!

    pls cn u help me with may june 2009 i cant import j9 home and j9 out it gives import errors in access