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  1. Fahad Bukhari

    OMG CHEMISTRY UNIT 1 PAPER!!!!!!!!!!!!

    fr the delta T question, it wasn't dilute. it was the same conc bt the volme was increased.
  2. Fahad Bukhari

    OMG CHEMISTRY UNIT 1 PAPER!!!!!!!!!!!!

    btw does any1 hav the chem paper??/
  3. Fahad Bukhari

    Edexcel PHYSICS UNIT 1 jan 2013

    does any1 hav the ppr?
  4. Fahad Bukhari

    C1 jan 2013

    btw...does any1 hav chem n phy unit 1 papers???
  5. Fahad Bukhari

    C1 jan 2013

    hmmm.....den it will be 64...lyk last year
  6. Fahad Bukhari

    C1 jan 2013

    For ths paper, an A would be really high, like around 66...coz the ppr was easy
  7. Fahad Bukhari

    C1 jan 2013

    I think sigma was 64 and Q(9,-1)