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  1. F

    Considering to take Psychology

    Guys I need your advice to make up my mind. I"m considering to take Psychology as a private next Mat/June session along with Maths, Acc and Eco registered by my school. Is it wise for me to take this subject ? If so, where and how should I start ?
  2. F

    Prediction for Accounting Paper 22

    Despite this is a late post, to me I found it a bit difficult as this is a new experience for me. I really struggled at partnership and almost all theory questions. Overall, I might get at least C for this paper.
  3. F

    Prediction for Accounting Paper 22

    Could you give detail to Reconciliation of Control A/C ?
  4. F

    Prediction for Accounting Paper 22

    I know it's already late but I need to know at least the prediction for the paper tomorrow so I know which area I need to focus on. Any tips and advises are appreciated. Please help me fast :(