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  1. Sirius

    * HELP *[Math] Proving unbiased estimator and problems .

    alright here is the source I found . http://isites.harvard.edu/fs/docs/icb.topic515975.files/Proof%20that%20Sample%20Variance%20is%20Unbiased.pdf At the last third / forth paragraph , it says expected value of the square of something is not equal to the square of the expected value . Which is...
  2. Sirius

    [HELP]Business Studies PYQ

    Question Analyse the impact on BAC’s profitability and liquidity ratios if the new Ecocon units are introduced. Use the information in Table 1 and appropriate accounting ratios in your answer. What are they asking ? impact on the RATIO , or just the profitability and liquidity ?Or is it the...