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Search results

  1. C

    AS Physics Practical - Paper 34

    How about the last 8 scores for moments
  2. C

    AS Physics Practical - Paper 34

    The coming exam will use these: Uniform wooden strip 均匀的木条 String 线 Stand 铁架台 Round nail 圆钉 Newton-meter 0.1N (0-10N) 牛顿力计 Mass hanger 质量挂钩 Modelling clay 粘土(橡皮泥) Meter rule 1mm 米尺 Pivot 支点或支架 Spacing 间隔或空挡 Clamp 夹子 Flexible plastic tube 柔性塑料管 Scissor 剪刀 50ml plastic syringe 塑料注射器(50ml) Nozzle...
  3. C

    practical guess(34)

    come baby
  4. C

    AS physics p33

    additonal detail?please. the heating problem. help!
  5. C

    Physics P33 Prediction

  6. C

    physics paper 33

  7. C

    PHYSICS PRACTICAL.. whats coming????

    Why there is less information of p34 than p33?