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  1. B


    aaaand love is laaame :p rabiafarooq101 no-offense !its lihe being imprisoned !the difference is, in love one likes his prison !
  2. B


    you made yourself clear mate !thanks ! :)
  3. B


    anyway !thats as far as i can tell the world about my depressing life !lol this thread wasnt about stories in the first place !neeway thanks for the support !
  4. B


    epiphany if you told me 3 years ago ,dat wot i had is a crush,maybe id buy that back then !but now since its been 3 years !i dont think its wot they call a crush !and anyway !i dont want her now,like m hopeless !!i jusx like her !and i always will unconditionally !
  5. B


    my point :love is about giving without asking/expecting anything in return !the rest was jusx extra info !
  6. B


    Love!!its like when you like this person and you want her to know ,but you dont have the specific words to describe that feeling (an intense feeling) ! its all about giving,without expexting to get love in return !being around her makes one happy ! p.s met this gurl 3 years ago, blew me off ...