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  1. X

    Art and Design.. need help

    Thankyou soo much for your help :)
  2. X

    Extra Subjects.. need help

    Thanxx for the advice everyone but i'll try my best =P If i cant manage them then i'll drop them. But can any one of you please tell me if there is an advantage to me for taking these extra subjects.. ?
  3. X

    Art and Design.. need help

    Hey thanx alot for your help :).. secondly I have another question.. I'm doing O'levels from Beaconhouse and IGCSE is not offered in BSS, and Art and Design is a subject in IGCSE, not O'levels. I wanted to ask if I could take this subject privately and give the final exam in IGCSE, eve though...
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    Art and Design.. need help

    Hello everyone. I am in my first year of O'levels.. I want to take Art and Design, but this subject is not offered in O'levels, instead Art is offered. I wanted to ask if I can take this subject privately and give the exam ? And can anyone tell me from which books should I study for this...
  5. X

    Extra Subjects.. need help

    Hi everyone.. I am in my first year of O'levels (just starting olevels).. I have taken Biology, Chemistry and Physics. I want to take some extra subjects.. Can anyone tell me if there is any advantage of taking extra subjects and can anyone please tell me the credits etc of the following...
  6. X

    Need Help..!! reply asap please

    Hey guys, can anyone tell me which books do I need to study from to get A* in o'levels for the following subjects.. Business Studies, Sociology, Islamic religion and Culture, Computer Studies. And can someone give me notes, study notes etc for these subjects. I am taking these subjects...