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  1. Hussein Maloo

    October/November 2012 anyone?

    Im doing my exams in october november.. one of the subjects im doing is lit,,im handling great gatsby, i know why the caged bird sings and much ado about nothing...any of you doing the same books as me?? and i already sat my french exams in may/june
  2. Hussein Maloo

    Who is gona apear IGCSE xams in oct/nov 2012?

    Maths ICT Physics Literature english first language history and i did french in may/june 2012
  3. Hussein Maloo

    Who is gona apear IGCSE xams in oct/nov 2012?

    Im also doing it in november...
  4. Hussein Maloo

    Maths IGCSE May/June 2012 Papers 22 and 42 marked

    For PP2 18(b) is it correct to write "cube root of (x+3)" ?