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  1. L

    How was ur Phy 34 people ??

    You'd calculate the Y-Intercept by Y=mX+C That seemed pretty obvious, my answers were similar to Xam, exceot my deflections were much MUCH lesser (4 and 5) but yes, my values of K were in favor if the suggestion.
  2. L

    AS P34 phy coming soon :)

    I'm assuming "Malissa", that what you meant is that the practical is in 10 frikkin hours, soon? :)
  3. L

    FINAL ! CHEM 34

    For some reason, that post relieved me. :P
  4. L

    To those who princesszahra helped:

    Hey, I dont care WHO PM's me, I just need help for P34 of Physics and Chem both,, please ? :(
  5. L

    maths p1 help

    Actually, Improper is not limited to not having any limits, it may also be an integral that goes from a value to infinity (asimptote) or one that has 0 as a limit too.