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Search results

  1. Sha Zaib

    LiFe Is Nt THE aMoUNT of BrEaTHs you TAKE...ITS tHE mOmMents THAT tAkEs Ur BREATHES aWayyy...!!!!!!

    LiFe Is Nt THE aMoUNT of BrEaTHs you TAKE...ITS tHE mOmMents THAT tAkEs Ur BREATHES aWayyy...!!!!!!
  2. Sha Zaib


  3. Sha Zaib

    nO pRoBlEm...:)

    nO pRoBlEm...:)
  4. Sha Zaib

    Life long lesson(s) you've learnt?

    DoNt JuDgE tHe PeOple ON tHeIR beauTy...jidGe them On ThEiR HEARTS and acTIOns..:)
  5. Sha Zaib

    BeInG deePlY lOvEd By some1 GiVeS u StReNgTh ,,WhILE LOVING sme1 DeEpLy GiVeS u...

    BeInG deePlY lOvEd By some1 GiVeS u StReNgTh ,,WhILE LOVING sme1 DeEpLy GiVeS u CoUrAgE.....(UfFfF)..:)
  6. Sha Zaib

    HaPpY nEw YeAr to all of u....sorrry FoR late WisHiNg becauze i am busy in my papers....:)

    HaPpY nEw YeAr to all of u....sorrry FoR late WisHiNg becauze i am busy in my papers....:)
  7. Sha Zaib

    Uu 2 ...:)

    Uu 2 ...:)
  8. Sha Zaib


  9. Sha Zaib

    ChOoSe A bEsT pErsOn Like MiRrIoR bEcAuSe WhN u CrY iT never LAuGHS.... BY (ShA zAiB....:)

    ChOoSe A bEsT pErsOn Like MiRrIoR bEcAuSe WhN u CrY iT never LAuGHS.... BY (ShA zAiB....:)
  10. Sha Zaib

    no prblm..:)

    no prblm..:)
  11. Sha Zaib

    thnks yr..

    thnks yr..
  12. Sha Zaib

    yr ab zarorat nai hy....!!!

    yr ab zarorat nai hy....!!!
  13. Sha Zaib

    yar in clge..!!

    yar in clge..!!
  14. Sha Zaib

    ThAnKs RIzwan..:)

    ThAnKs RIzwan..:)
  15. Sha Zaib

    AtTiTuDe Is a L!tTlE tHiNg WhIcH mAkEs A bIg DiFfErEnCe...!!

    AtTiTuDe Is a L!tTlE tHiNg WhIcH mAkEs A bIg DiFfErEnCe...!!
  16. Sha Zaib

    NoO pRoBlEm.....:)

    NoO pRoBlEm.....:)
  17. Sha Zaib

    hehehe.......na dasso ji ...pehle tention ho rahi ha..

    hehehe.......na dasso ji ...pehle tention ho rahi ha..
  18. Sha Zaib


  19. Sha Zaib

    PAPER 1 ha......

    PAPER 1 ha......
  20. Sha Zaib

    abhi dil nai kr raha ha parhne ka.....

    abhi dil nai kr raha ha parhne ka.....