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Search results

  1. M

    English 9093 A-level Help!!!!!!!!

    I'll see what I can do, I'll message them and look for any copies I might have saved.
  2. M

    English 9093 A-level Help!!!!!!!!

    I would've loved to help you out but I've already given all my notes to my juniors! Really sorry!
  3. M

    English 9093 A-level Help!!!!!!!!

    -As far as resources are concerned, I didn't use a specific textbook because of how broad the areas of study were. Rather, I found it more helpful to go point by point in the syllabus and cover each topic through different articles I could find. For example, since paper 4 has a big chunk on...
  4. M

    English 9093 A-level Help!!!!!!!!

    I did A2 last year, in June 2014. What would you like to know, specifically?
  5. M


    Can anyone specify whether these are district-wise or city-wise or whatever?
  6. M

    What to study for English Language 9093?

    Don't mention it, and good luck!
  7. M

    What to study for English Language 9093?

    Hi, I did my A'Level Language course in June 2014 too, so I hope I can be of some help to you. Typically you won't find any textbooks specifically designed for P3 and P4, so you're going to have to make do with different resources. It might be a good idea to find articles detailing different...