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  1. ahifan

    walaikumsalam. yes Alhamdulillah it's done :) it was a good paper. how was it for you?

    walaikumsalam. yes Alhamdulillah it's done :) it was a good paper. how was it for you?
  2. ahifan

    Computers & ICT: Post your doubts here!

    sure haha no problem :) thanks anyway.
  3. ahifan

    Computers & ICT: Post your doubts here!

    no they want us to show the BRANCHNAME which has all those berlin, granada etc. branchname and total number of staff
  4. ahifan

    Computers & ICT: Post your doubts here!

    actually it's just step15 but no ._. atm i'm trying to figure out how to not make it repeat. the query itself is having that repeated data like this
  5. ahifan

    Computers & ICT: Post your doubts here!

    ALL THE BEST FOR TOMORROW, those who're doing the exam!! May Allah guide us all and make this exam and everything else easier for us :) Ameen.
  6. ahifan

    Computers & ICT: Post your doubts here!

    Ohhh okaay. I can do that even if it isn't specified yeah? orz I'm a newbie when it comes to practicals, please excuse my idiocy
  7. ahifan

    Computers & ICT: Post your doubts here!

    I'm sorry this may sound like a ridiculous question but how do you actually add the candidate details in a report? So far I've just been adding a text box and doing it at the top of the page but how exactly should I do it? ._.
  8. ahifan

    Computers & ICT: Post your doubts here!

    I'll do that paper again in a bit and see where I went wrong. Did winter 2012 for my mock exam 2 weeks ago and messed up big time :/ Another question (so sorryyy >.<). In summer 2011 step 15, report creating part, we have to include the total average price of albums for each artist. So for this...
  9. ahifan

    Computers & ICT: Post your doubts here!

    ANOTHER QUESTION D: When I try to make grouped reports, the data get's repeated. Like in winter 2012 paper, step 14-15. The branch name gets repeated, like Berlin, Berlin, Berlin, next one etc etc :/
  10. ahifan

    Computers & ICT: Post your doubts here!

    Ohh. It's alright I get it :) You helped alot! And if in the paper it isn't specified whether they want reports in portrait or landscape, can we print them in landscape if by any chance the records are getting cut?
  11. ahifan

    Computers & ICT: Post your doubts here!

    Haha okaay :D There's something that's been bothering me alot, related to excel. Some formulas require stuff like " 1+(value(mid......... " but I don't understand what that " 1+ " is for :/ and when to use it
  12. ahifan

    Computers & ICT: Post your doubts here!

    Hmmm yes yes I get it ._. Quite a time consuming task, this is. JazakhAllah Khairan :) I hope you don't mind if I ask some more questions later haha
  13. ahifan

    Computers & ICT: Post your doubts here!

    By the way, in this report when we're making the label for 'Name', and it's corresponding box, is there any formula similar to excel's 'CONCATENATE'? as in, combining the Forename and Surname boxes or something like that? or else is there any other way to include the name for each record I hope...
  14. ahifan

    Computers & ICT: Post your doubts here!

    JazakhAllah Khairan :D Really, thank you SO MUCH! Finally starting to get a grip of this. In Sha Allah may Allah (SWT) guide us all and make our exams easier
  15. ahifan

    Computers & ICT: Post your doubts here!

    OHHH THANK YOU SO MUCH JazakhAllah Khairan This really helped!! :D And thank you. I hope the exam went/goes well for you.
  16. ahifan

    Computers & ICT: Post your doubts here!

    Assalamualaikum and hello everyone My AICT practical final is tomorrow and I really need help with this paper, summer 2009 >> this one ;__; kinda panicking.. it's step 13, the whole report. i'm not sure how to make this report. PLEASE HELP!
  17. ahifan

    HELP! AICT P2 S-09

    Hello everyone My AICT practical final is tomorrow and I really need help with this paper, summer 2009 ;__; kinda panicking.. it's step 10, the whole report. i'm not sure how to calculate the average etc etc and get the report as shown in the marking scheme PLEASE HELP!