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  1. Yasminxxx

    Awh :) thank you =3 uve got a nice one 2! xx

    Awh :) thank you =3 uve got a nice one 2! xx
  2. Yasminxxx

    thanks :)

    thanks :)
  3. Yasminxxx

    Hello :) , nm , wby? I go to al-kon al-motawara (KMIS) u?

    Hello :) , nm , wby? I go to al-kon al-motawara (KMIS) u?
  4. Yasminxxx

    Physics, Chemistry and Biology: Post your doubts here!

    I have a question regarding the experiments in biology paper 6. is it necessary to include the safety rules and conditions in every experiment??
  5. Yasminxxx

    While most are dreaming of success, winners wake-up and work hard to achieve it. So i'll be a...

    While most are dreaming of success, winners wake-up and work hard to achieve it. So i'll be a winner!! :D
  6. Yasminxxx

    welcome ^^

    welcome ^^
  7. Yasminxxx

    ok i'll message u :)

    ok i'll message u :)
  8. Yasminxxx

    thank you!

    thank you!
  9. Yasminxxx

    Thanks Era! :) InshAllah everything will be alright :) ~

    Thanks Era! :) InshAllah everything will be alright :) ~
  10. Yasminxxx

    seriously i feel like my life is upside down :(

    seriously i feel like my life is upside down :(
  11. Yasminxxx

    Maths!!! why u gotta be so complicated? HELPPP T^T~

    Maths!!! why u gotta be so complicated? HELPPP T^T~
  12. Yasminxxx

    thanks :D

    thanks :D
  13. Yasminxxx

    who will be appearing in may/june 2013 :D

    nope , im from jeddah, ksa ^^
  14. Yasminxxx

    who will be appearing in may/june 2013 :D

    Yup you're right :D Everything's gunna be alright in the end, hopefully! x)~
  15. Yasminxxx

    Yeah well IG's are super near -_________-

    Yeah well IG's are super near -_________-
  16. Yasminxxx

    who will be appearing in may/june 2013 :D

    Mee!! i hope that i'd perform well! i'm really worried! i mean i study but i still feel like im lacking a lot of info :(
  17. Yasminxxx

    IGCSE Speaking Marking

    hey guys i just wanna know, how would they mark your speaking? i mean if ive stopped for a while and felt nervous, will they deduct marks for that?