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  1. A

    October/November 2013 Results Discussion

    what does (AL *) stands for?
  2. A

    A Level Economics:

    did u write on policy or objective? nd the recent question which u did was it for 25mks?
  3. A

    How was Economics 9708 p32?

    what was the ans for man hour worked in mp of labour
  4. A

    A Level Economics:

    A 6 % increase in the money supply leads to a 10 % increase in the level of money income. What can be deduced from this? A There has been an increase in the level of output. B There has been an increase in interest rates. C There has been an increase in the velocity of circulation. D The price...
  5. A

    A Level Economics:

    Despite a balance of payments deficit a country’s money supply remains unchanged. What could explain this? A The country’s foreign exchange rate is fixed. B The government runs a budget surplus. C There is a fall in the country’s foreign exchange reserves. D The government runs a budget deficit...
  6. A

    A Level Economics:

    orignally 30workers get $1500(30*50) inc in wage per worker 112-50=62 so,inc in wage rate i.e 62/orignal daily wagerate is 1500*100 4.1%
  7. A

    A Level Economics:

    strange question especially for 20mks i havent encountered these type of questions neither in my as nor in a2 eco.
  8. A

    A Level Economics:

    multiplier=change in Y/change in I 25m-22m/6-5(6 is full emplyment investment) 3=1/1-mpc
  9. A

    A Level Economics:

    does that mean i wont get any marks?
  10. A

    A Level Economics:

    sir, in q6 in which we had to explain conflict between macoeconomic policies nd then had to prefer one of the policy,firstly i defined govt policy then fiscal,monetary nd supply side policy then i explained only two conflicting policy 1 deflationary fiscal policy conflicting with supplyside...
  11. A

    A Level Economics:

    in which market structure was unilever? i guess it was monopolistic competition since it dealt with branded goods
  12. A

    Economics paper 12 9708 discussion

    yeah, i chose the same option can u confirm this from ur teacher. nd did u appear for p4 economics?
  13. A

    Economics paper 12 9708 discussion

    what was the ans for the line XY represent on an individual demand curve?
  14. A

    Economics paper 12 9708 discussion

    reduction in price of minm wage means that for eg previous wage was $20 then now it will be $10 benefiting employer
  15. A

    Economics paper 12 9708 discussion

    what was the answer in which who will benefit if govt reduces price on min wagerate &max house rent? also the question in which what does XY represent on an individual demand curve?
  16. A

    Economics paper 12 9708 discussion

    it was abt economic integration, i chose in which the country moves frm free trade to custom uniun(cu), as cu has common external tarrif