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  1. M

    Further Math! How'd it go?

    Apart from the complex numbers question the paper was very easy . Sadly im going to loose alot of marks to silly mistakes - i just hope they dont cost me dearly
  2. M

    Further Mathematics: Post your doubts here!

    Hey guys . Could someone please explain to me how M10/13 Question 5's second part is done? http://www.xtremepapers.com/papers/CIE/Cambridge%20International%20A%20and%20AS%20Level/Mathematics%20-%20Further%20(9231)/9231_s10_qp_13.pdf Much appreciated :)
  3. M

    CASPARIAN STRIP BIO ???????????

    Under Normal Circumstances the Cell wall of plants are completely permeable to water and solutes. This in effect is a great advantage but it also prevents plants for having some kind of control of how much water moves into the xylem via the apoplast ( cell wall route ) pathway. To give some...