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Search results

  1. feunna

    BIOLOGY P33 GUESS NEEDED!!!!HELP PLEASE!!!07 NOV 2013 !!! 9709/33

    its weird noooo idea......i had oll wot was bout come in physics bt nt ths tym:(
  2. feunna

    physics 33 100% true guess here.

    Hey!!! everyone students giving p33 today in A group should post wot was in paper as soon as they leave the exam hall......!!!!!so it would be easier for student in group B.....
  3. feunna

    Physics oct/nov 33 (answer questions)

    man oscilation nt gonna come.........seemzz
  4. feunna

    Physics oct/nov 33 (answer questions)

    jst re-enter the community cie
  5. feunna

    physics 33 100% true guess here.

    and wot if it does'nt match at oll????wot to ans???
  6. feunna

    physics 33 100% true guess here.

    M/J 34/2012 does'nt match the instrument u gave its M/J/2011/34
  7. feunna


  8. feunna

    Physics oct/nov 33 (answer questions)

    hey have u oll checked the 1oo% guess by saad gujjar its absolutely correct.....
  9. feunna

    Physics oct/nov 33 (answer questions)

    n it does'nt matrzz actually learn for both its so easy for us....got oll wot gonna come in paper....!!!thanx to internet n xtreme paperzzz:D
  10. feunna

    Physics oct/nov 33 (answer questions)

    no u have to tell the limitation n improvements....
  11. feunna

    physics 33 100% true guess here.

    Ya.....strongly agreed coz its same wot i have got from ma reliable resources.......!!!!!
  12. feunna

    Physics oct/nov 33 (answer questions)

    Q4) If they did not ask us for a certain unit..do we write answers in cm or m ? then does'nt materrzz at oll u could ans in any better to use SI bt remember if u've once done with 'm' or 'cm' u have to use everytime the same unit for the rest ov ur experiment.....!!!!:cautious: Q5) when are we...
  13. feunna

    Physics oct/nov 33 (answer questions)

    [quoa voltmeter,resistors, meter rule, a battery another i've got is rubber band n mass hanger n retort stand......plzz dnt ask ask silly question how i knw....:cautious:an obviously im nt gonna tell:p
  14. feunna

    Physics oct/nov 33 (answer questions)

    ya i knw thats in o/n/31/2008