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save my exams

  1. WhoAmI00

    How to view SaveMyExam Revision notes for free (Without paying)

    SaveMyExams only lets you read 10 notes before asking you to pay, well i found a solution of which the popup is bypassed and we can read and revise all the notes for free : The video below shows how
  2. N

    Is anyone able to share CIE A-level Biology and Chemistry savemyexams revision notes pdfs? Please

    For biology, I need topics 16 to 19, and chemistry pretty much all of A2 physical chemistry😭 help please if you've got the pdfs.

    Save My Exams Revision Notes In PDF For Chemistry

    Does anyone have Save My Exams Revision Notes In PDF form for chemistry I need them. Only AS level will work too! If you do please be kind to share them or a link to another thread who has shared it.
  4. J


    Credits to: u/nadsreallysuck Bio: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=148SgCcfq1Ts81UD0BcuJZy-LqoDMWUMs Chem: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=1Pf1Y2p37un7-OjRHMgGzPIhLV3l1U0Md Phy: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=1gp4uaJV_yFkvon3K670a2-ZzX_u7Dzgr Math...
  5. Raiyan Draco

    Sample Answers

    Can anyone provide all Sample answers of Biology Igcse Edxecel and chemistry igcse edexcel from save my exams? I really need it for my upcoming Jan Igcse. My email is [email protected]