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Well not everything in life goes the way we planned u know :/ besides wht does FPS stand for?
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you know sometimes people dont get thethings they wanted because God has something better for you planned, something better than your desire... im just gonna help you out okay?
Maybe your current colllege isnt what you wanted but in my view i think its what you need
Consider this a challenge of soe sort and make the most of your experience happy,you never know what will happeen and youll propably enjoy your new college
to every negative side there is always a positive side :)

-you may not like your college but at least your getting good education :D
- it may not be what you wanted but in the end, its something that you need

when i was a child, my parents transferred me to a school that i didnt like, and at the first day i thought it would be awful and i wanted to be with my old friends and that that isnt the place i wanted to be. When i got there it was the completle opposite of my expectations, it was actually really cool and the people were nicer and the education was alot better for me :D :D :D

so dont start saying that "Life isnt fair,i never get what i wanted" , at that time you need to realize that God took the chance of getting the thing you anted, in order to replace it with something better :)
so donnt get too disappointed because youll never know what excitment will happen in your current college, just give this place a chance and maybe your going to enjoy it :)