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A* at A Level

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got high 80s in my AS level cie exams...
is it hard to pull it up to an A* for A level?

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I don't want to be a downer but I would think it would be quite difficult. That's because the A level course is designed to be harder than the AS course so its more likely your grade will go down rather than go up.

But its not impossible. My sister got 85 in her AS Business Studies (which she found easy), but her A level score was 97 (which is funny because she complained about the course being so difficult) so she managed an A* grade of 91 in the end. Yeah sure people will say "pssshhh Business is an easy subject" but the principal is still the same lol. The A2 course was harder than the AS and she managed to pull her grade up.

Sorry to sound cliche but as long as you work hard enough you can get the grade you want. So good luck!

Btw have you thought about resitting your AS?