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A Call to the Truth

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Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu

Dear everyone,
I intend to create this thread, باذن الله, to invite our Non-Muslim brethren to the Truth of Islam (Submission to the Will of Allah), and for the Muslims here i have a message: please post anything that can save another soul 4m the Hell Fire, can b tips for Dawah, verses 4m the respective scriptures, etc. that show the True Message. You will b asked on the Day of Reserruction that when u had the knowledge, why didn't you deliver it to the one who didn't noe? Please brothers and sisters, it is our duty now to take up the job of the Prophet (pbuh). May Allah(swt) help us all, n let us always return to Him. Aameen

ps plz b free, do not hesitate, it will only help
Non-Muslims, v will b overjoyed 2 listen to your questions regarding Islam and we will, inshaAllah, try our best to answer them with His help and thus, accuracy, inshaAllah