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A Super Motvational Story.

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AN: (Try and keep track of the number of ping pong balls. You'll be surprised in the end)

Not so long ago, in a place not too far away there lived a boy named Jonny. When Jonny was six he went to school for the first time. After the first semester his grades came home. They were terrible!! F's and D's, not a vowel to be had! Jonny's Dad (henceforth known as Dad) told Jonny "Son, if you can get your grades up and keep em up I'll give you whatever you want for your birthday." Jonny was ecstatic! He swore that his grades would be great next semester.
The end of the year rolled around and Jonny had straight A's! Dad said "OK Jonny, tell me now, what do you want for your birthday?" (For Jonny's birthday was close to the end of the school year) And young Jonny said "Dad, this year I want Six pink ping pong balls." Dad was a little confused and bewildered but, figuring the boy was only six and not really a rational adult yet, he might as well give him the pink ping pong balls. (henceforth known as pppb)
After Jonny went back to school and started his Second Grade year the quarterly report card came back. It was even worse than his first semester of First Grade!! Dad was a little angry but then he figured out Jonny's little plan. He wanted the same deal for this year. Dad said "OK Jonny, if you bring your grades up and keep em as high as they were last year I'll give you whatever you want for your birthday." Jonny danced with glee, his plan had worked! Dad shook his head and wondered what the kid would ask for this year.
The end of the year rolled around and Jonny had straight A's again. Dad said "OK son, what do you want for your birthday? A new red wagon? A toy truck?" Jonny said "No dad, I want 6 pppb!" Now Dad was kinda confused but said what the hell, they're cheaper than a truck. Maybe it's a phase.
Jonny grew older as boys do and continued on to 3rd grade and 4th and 5th. His grades were always outstanding because Dad had begun offering the deal right when summer had ended. But every year Jonny always wanted the same thing, 6 pink ping pong balls. Until after the 6th grade, something changed. Dad came up to him a few days before his birthday and said "Well son, you're going to go into Jr High next year, your grades all through elementary school have been great. What would you like for your birthday?" Jonny thought about it, and thought about it. He was troubled, finally he screwed up his courage and said "Dad? I really want 2 things this year" Dad, thinking that finally this stupid ping pong ball thing was over, was overjoyed! He had begun to worry that his son might be mentally retarded. He said "It's OK son, whatever you want I'll get you!" Jonny said "Great!! I really wanted a big bright green Box to put all my pink ping pong balls in!" A Box!?" Dad said, "Well, OK Jonny, I guess I can get you a big green box for your ping pong balls. What else did you want?" "And this year Dad, I don't want 6 pink ping pong balls." "GREAT Son!! What did you want?" Jonny said "This year, I want SEVEN Purple ping pong balls!" Dad's jaw dropped, he shook his head, and he finally said, "OK son, I'll get you a big green box and 7 purple ping pong balls."
Jonny started Jr High, then high school, and he did well, and every year his Dad gave him 7 purple ping pong balls. Finally his 18th birthday rolled around and he got his drivers liscence. His dad said "OK son, you're 18, old enough for a car of your own, what would you like for your birthday?" Jonny said "Well Dad, I know you're not rich, and I really don't want to be greedy but..." "Yes Son?" "Dad, this year could I have...... 7 purple ping pong balls, And 6 pink ping pong balls?" Dad shook his head, and deep in his heart accepted the fact that his son was probably insane, and replied "Sure son, Happy Birthday."
Jonny graduated from High school with a 4.25 GPA, he had no trouble getting into a good college out of state with a ton of scholorships. Before he left for college his dad took him aside and told him "Son, You're going off to college now. With all of your scholarships we don't even have to spend a penny of your Savings Fund. So if you keep your grades up all through college I can afford to give you really GREAT birthday presents every year! Just e-mail me and tell me what you want and I'll try and send it to you." *You see, deep down. Dad was hoping that Jonny would wise up and ask for a car or something, no such luck* Jonny said "Thanks Dad, but the e-mailing won't be necessary, all I want for my birthday is 6 pink ping pong balls and seven purple ping pong balls." Dad shook his head, told him the balls are in the mail, and sent him off.

One day, an accident took place and the son got badly injured. In his last moments, the father, who was sitting teary eyed beside his son's death bed, asked him why did he want so many ping pong balls?
The son replied "Alright dad. I'll tell you. I think i don't have long to live anyway. I wanted those ping pong balls because..." and he died.

(HaTeRs GoNnNa HaAtE!)
Reaction score
AN: (Try and keep track of the number of ping pong balls. You'll be surprised in the end)

Not so long ago, in a place not too far away there lived a boy named Jonny. When Jonny was six he went to school for the first time. After the first semester his grades came home. They were terrible!! F's and D's, not a vowel to be had! Jonny's Dad (henceforth known as Dad) told Jonny "Son, if you can get your grades up and keep em up I'll give you whatever you want for your birthday." Jonny was ecstatic! He swore that his grades would be great next semester.
The end of the year rolled around and Jonny had straight A's! Dad said "OK Jonny, tell me now, what do you want for your birthday?" (For Jonny's birthday was close to the end of the school year) And young Jonny said "Dad, this year I want Six pink ping pong balls." Dad was a little confused and bewildered but, figuring the boy was only six and not really a rational adult yet, he might as well give him the pink ping pong balls. (henceforth known as pppb)
After Jonny went back to school and started his Second Grade year the quarterly report card came back. It was even worse than his first semester of First Grade!! Dad was a little angry but then he figured out Jonny's little plan. He wanted the same deal for this year. Dad said "OK Jonny, if you bring your grades up and keep em as high as they were last year I'll give you whatever you want for your birthday." Jonny danced with glee, his plan had worked! Dad shook his head and wondered what the kid would ask for this year.
The end of the year rolled around and Jonny had straight A's again. Dad said "OK son, what do you want for your birthday? A new red wagon? A toy truck?" Jonny said "No dad, I want 6 pppb!" Now Dad was kinda confused but said what the hell, they're cheaper than a truck. Maybe it's a phase.
Jonny grew older as boys do and continued on to 3rd grade and 4th and 5th. His grades were always outstanding because Dad had begun offering the deal right when summer had ended. But every year Jonny always wanted the same thing, 6 pink ping pong balls. Until after the 6th grade, something changed. Dad came up to him a few days before his birthday and said "Well son, you're going to go into Jr High next year, your grades all through elementary school have been great. What would you like for your birthday?" Jonny thought about it, and thought about it. He was troubled, finally he screwed up his courage and said "Dad? I really want 2 things this year" Dad, thinking that finally this stupid ping pong ball thing was over, was overjoyed! He had begun to worry that his son might be mentally retarded. He said "It's OK son, whatever you want I'll get you!" Jonny said "Great!! I really wanted a big bright green Box to put all my pink ping pong balls in!" A Box!?" Dad said, "Well, OK Jonny, I guess I can get you a big green box for your ping pong balls. What else did you want?" "And this year Dad, I don't want 6 pink ping pong balls." "GREAT Son!! What did you want?" Jonny said "This year, I want SEVEN Purple ping pong balls!" Dad's jaw dropped, he shook his head, and he finally said, "OK son, I'll get you a big green box and 7 purple ping pong balls."
Jonny started Jr High, then high school, and he did well, and every year his Dad gave him 7 purple ping pong balls. Finally his 18th birthday rolled around and he got his drivers liscence. His dad said "OK son, you're 18, old enough for a car of your own, what would you like for your birthday?" Jonny said "Well Dad, I know you're not rich, and I really don't want to be greedy but..." "Yes Son?" "Dad, this year could I have...... 7 purple ping pong balls, And 6 pink ping pong balls?" Dad shook his head, and deep in his heart accepted the fact that his son was probably insane, and replied "Sure son, Happy Birthday."
Jonny graduated from High school with a 4.25 GPA, he had no trouble getting into a good college out of state with a ton of scholorships. Before he left for college his dad took him aside and told him "Son, You're going off to college now. With all of your scholarships we don't even have to spend a penny of your Savings Fund. So if you keep your grades up all through college I can afford to give you really GREAT birthday presents every year! Just e-mail me and tell me what you want and I'll try and send it to you." *You see, deep down. Dad was hoping that Jonny would wise up and ask for a car or something, no such luck* Jonny said "Thanks Dad, but the e-mailing won't be necessary, all I want for my birthday is 6 pink ping pong balls and seven purple ping pong balls." Dad shook his head, told him the balls are in the mail, and sent him off.

One day, an accident took place and the son got badly injured. In his last moments, the father, who was sitting teary eyed beside his son's death bed, asked him why did he want so many ping pong balls?
The son replied "Alright dad. I'll tell you. I think i don't have long to live anyway. I wanted those ping pong balls because..." and he died.

(HaTeRs GoNnNa HaAtE!)

Aww... such a heart-breaking story...:(