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Accounting,Buisness 2015 SOS

Reaction score
Any Accounting and Business notes if available plz provide and the revision checklist
Well for business,
All you really need is the textbook to score an A* and after getting your concepts right move on to familiarising yourself with past paper questions.
Mark schemes and examiner reports will be the most helpful
Heres a website I used to revise before I did igcse business
Revision checklist and syllabuses can be downloaded for the year you are appearing for your exam in. Google serch it

For accounting the concepts should again be learnt. Try to learn the logic behind why entries are made they way they are
Why something iis being debited or credited etc
Then its just alot like math
Practice practice and practice some more! The more you practice accounting the better you get
Any Accounting and Business notes if available plz provide and the revision checklist
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