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Admission in KE

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  • I want to know the sat 2 score required to ensure admission in King Edward, Lahore....also, is it possible to give both the SAT 2 and the MCAT (entry test for local students)?
  • How much do the recommendation letters matter, and how many do we need?
  • Is a personal statement required?
  • When do we apply for the uni? after we get the sat 2 scores/ after we get the A level equivilance?
Thanks :)
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First of all are you a local student or a foreign one?
If you are a foreign student then you can give both the MCAT for the open merit seat but you would need a domicile of some city of Punjab for that (That means you've got to have a dual nationality) or you can just apply by giving SAT2. You've to apply through PTAP or HEC by giving your preferences of all the medical universities of Pakistan. King Edwards is the top merit university so you need the highest marks. I don't think you require any recommendation letters or personal statement. Just contact HEC or keep in touch for the ad in newspapers. But that'll happen after the local MCAT has taken place.
But in case you are a local student, the above information is useless for you. There is no SAT2 requirement if you are a local student. Just appear in the provincial MCAT using a domicile of Punjab. Give the first preference to King Edward. And if your aggregate, that is made up of your O/A'levels equivalence + your MCAT score is among the best, then you'll get the admission offer.
MCAT is held in September i.e after your A'levels result is out. And the application process takes place in November.