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Admit your faults and do not be arrogant...

Do you accept your mistake and apologize immediately after realizing your mistake?

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Assalamu Alaikum , Dear Brothers and Sisters of Faith!
Many problems that cause enmity to continue for a year or two years, or perhaps for life can easily be solved by one person saying to another,
'' I made a mistake. I am sorry.''
''Yes, I did not make it to the appointment.''
''Yes, I made a bad joke.''
''Yes, I said hurtful things.''

Be quick to put out the fire before it is set ablaze. Say, '' I am sorry. I owe you an apology.'' You would feel only better after apologizing.
There occurred an argument between Abu Dharr and Bilal- May Allah be pleased with both of them- and even though they were both Companions of the Prophet (PBUH) , they were still human.
During the argument, Abu Dharr became angry and said to Bilal, '' O son of a black woman!'' . Thereupon , Bilal(r.a) complained to the Messenger of Allah(PBUH). The Prophet called Abu Dharr(r.a) and said,'' Did you insult Bilal?"
He replied , ''Yes."
The Prophet said, '' Did you mention his mother?"
He replied, '' When someone is insulted, usually his father and mother are also mentioned, O Messenger of Allah!''
The Prophet replied, '' You are a man with traits of pre-Islamic Ignorance.''
He asked, '' Even when I am this old?''
The Prophet said, '' Yes."
The Prophet then taught him the manner in which he should deal with those who may be seen as below his social status , saying, '' They are only your brothers. Allah has placed them in your care. And whoever Allah places in one's care then let him feed him with what he eats himself, clothe him with be clothes himself. Let him not overburden him with that which he cannot bear. And if he does overburden him, then let him lend him a hand.''
What did Abu Dharr(r.a) do then?
Abu Dharr went to see Bilal and apologized. He sat on the ground in front of Bilal and he became closer to the ground until he rested his cheek on the dust, and said, '' O Bilal! Put your foot on my cheek!!''(Muslim)

This is how eager the Companions were to set out the flames of enmity before they became strong, and even if they became strong, they would do their best to prevent them from spreading.
Lastly, if you would like others to accept your comments or advice, no matter who they may be, your sister, your friend, your child, then be receptive to advice yourself without being arrogant.

And lastly, the clever person is the one who seals the holes in his wall so the people are not able to look inside. Meaning, do not give people the opportunity to doubt you.

Bravery is not to persist in your errors, but to acknowledge that you are wrong, and not to repeat the error again.
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