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Anyone know whats the difference between AS-level business studies syllabus 2011 and older one?

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I was doing pastpapers, and lots of unfamiliar terms came up, which i then checked on the AS syllabus, and it's not there. Many people told me its because they changed the content of syllabus in 2011. Anyone know what are the differences in content between AS-level business studies syllabus 2011 and the older ones? So i can learn specificly what i don't know yet:D
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I was doing pastpapers, and lots of unfamiliar terms came up, which i then checked on the AS syllabus, and it's not there. Many people told me its because they changed the content of syllabus in 2011. Anyone know what are the differences in content between AS-level business studies syllabus 2011 and the older ones? So i can learn specificly what i don't know yet:D
Hi lightic,there r many changes in new syllabus.Firstly,the AS syllabus has been quite shortened but with sm new topics added.Wheras many topics formerly tested in as has now been taken to a2 level.Many new topics have been introduced such as strategic management,sales forecasting etc.Firstly u r advisable to check latest syllabus and u must purchase new edition of business book(by peter stimpson an alastair farquharson),in which entire as and a2 division is clear