Art of Words
A blind can make out how different matters, creations, and personalities look like through hearing and speaking words. One doesn’t mind when he doesn’t see things like others because words always open a window in their mind, planting imaginary images, which are secret for others as they can never forego what they had already seen. The blind can never see the smoothly etched words on paper but can use their transformation of rough etching, feeling them using their tactile sense.
Similarly, words can work wonders for a muter. Although they cannot speak up words or can’t know how the tongue twists and turns while speaking, they surely can see the beautifully calligraphed words providing a whole new universe to communicate. These words allow them to vent their feelings and let the world know of their existence. The loudness of their surroundings never overpowers their existence and right to speak, when they know the art of words.
A deaf has words as their soul friends. They cannot listen to what others say but in silence can speak and write wonders. These words transform themselves as gestures for them and the muter as well to tell and understand. Deaf cannot know the power of sounds of words, yet they remain as meaningful and strong to him as to any other.
Authors use words to make out whole new living characters, singers use them to make their feelings look alive, actors evoke emotions, and programmers assemble software with the usage of words. However, a non-professional needs words too. A common man like us needs words to let our loved ones know that they are loved, cared for, missed, etc. we need these to express ourselves as someone we are. Without words, none would know how someone is feeling, what is he trying to say, how can they let them know that they are there.
A world without words feels like a foreign land, a world of nothing. Who would know how the machinery works if words weren’t there, who would know how to type, how to reach the moon, or as simple as speaking and hearing would be unknown?
The importance of words is something else, but the art of words is something more. People know where to use words but don’t know how, art of words is how you say a single thing without letting anyone feel hurt. People use words to let know others how they feel but in terrible ways.
The art of words makes the hardest thing to say look easy. Irony is an art that can only be achieved by certain people. The irony is a contrast between expectation and reality. Humans usually just say their expectations in the face when a better and more effective way to say this politely while making the other person realize is using irony.
Sarcasm is another art. Every person tries to use sarcasm these days but ends up ruining the whole point and effect of using it. Sarcasm refers to using words that mean the opposite of what you want to say. This is the best type of art of words, as sometimes people don’t find the hint of sarcasm and just take up the words as compliments.
The art of words is to arrange them beautifully and sensibly, evoking emotions and memories. The words could use the art of rhythm and rhyme or structure yet serve the same purpose and spread magic that we hardly notice. Words have meaning and when organized in proper grammatical structures, that meaning is transmitted to provide communication. When words no longer hold to their meaning, then communication is hampered, and misunderstandings arise.
Words give out energy, evoke emotions, and set the tone for back-and-forth conversation. Choose your words wisely, whether they are the words we speak to one another or the ones we think about ourselves, words make a difference. The words we use can help people see themselves as better than they are. Words can build up or tear down. They can motivate or discourage. Words influence others and build relationships at work and personally. They can tear down relationships.
They create an expectation of reality; anticipation for what is promised, and hope for what is to come. Words help leaders cast a vision for the promise of the future. Words give life to ideas. Words and phrases convey the purpose, values, character, and culture of your organization.
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