So I did my O levels, my subjects were, bio, chem, math, eng and isl. Now I'm starting my AS, I dont plan on doing A Levels (have my reasons plus I really don't need to). Now I'm switching up with Business, Econ, Accounting. Do you think I can switch my subjects? And not have many problems? I have siblings who did their A level in the same subjects so they will help me out but still is there anyone who changed their subjects? Opinions please!!
So I did my O levels, my subjects were, bio, chem, math, eng and isl. Now I'm starting my AS, I dont plan on doing A Levels (have my reasons plus I really don't need to). Now I'm switching up with Business, Econ, Accounting. Do you think I can switch my subjects? And not have many problems? I have siblings who did their A level in the same subjects so they will help me out but still is there anyone who changed their subjects? Opinions please!!