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Chemistry ATP crises :(!

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I didn't do well in Chemistry ATP. It was because of that question which had error! It got me screwed
up and i lost my confidence. The paper was so damn easy! :cry:
I'm sure i have lost 8-10 marks! So will it effect my chance of getting an A if i lost lets say maximum 10-15 marks (combining) in
other two coming papers of Chemistry? One of my friends say that if i loose 14.5 marks then i won't get A star and if i lost 29 marks then i would loose A too! so is it so? I'm sure that i'll INSHALLAH have A stars in other subjects except maths but now i'm afraid about Chemistry too :cry: answer me people!
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no ..u can still hav a chance of an A*.....it really depends on what other people will get.....not only u
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dude i am pretty sure i lost around 10 to 20 marks in the atp as i was so worked up in the last question i almost forgot to complete the electrolysis paper but not to worry that will not take away your A* providing u do well in the remaining papers ie paper 1 mcqs and 2 theory.

Also u know the paper is 170 marks to u if u could manage to get around 150 u should be able to get an A* :p
the thing is that due to the percentile system u lost around 5% of the total so if u go really good in the mcqs and in paper 2 then hopefully you will manage to get an A* so prepare well and do your best in achieving an A* and hopefully u will get it.

keep your hopes up.
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iceman said:
no ..u can still hav a chance of an A*.....it really depends on what other people will get.....not only u

ya that is true as this time i heard from my friends that if u do better then most of the students then u got an A* say like ummm.....
ahhhh..... there are 100 students in your class (example) and u did better then 90 % of them even though u only got 130 out of 170 the cie would give u an A* hopefully they will not use it as if they do i will be screwed in some papers :p
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dada7210 said:
I didn't do well in Chemistry ATP. It was because of that question which had error! It got me screwed
up and i lost my confidence. The paper was so damn easy! :cry:
I'm sure i have lost 8-10 marks! So will it effect my chance of getting an A if i lost lets say maximum 10-15 marks (combining) in
other two coming papers of Chemistry? One of my friends say that if i loose 14.5 marks then i won't get A star and if i lost 29 marks then i would loose A too! so is it so? I'm sure that i'll INSHALLAH have A stars in other subjects except maths but now i'm afraid about Chemistry too :cry: answer me people!
DONt worry.....u still have a chance.
CIE should provide compensation for their careless mistakes...
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Thanks everyone!
God knows what has happened to CIE standards.
Umm there is one more thing, and i know its stupid to do, i drew that test cross diagram in bio paper with black-ink pen due to time shortage. I hope it does not effect marks. Or it does? :oops: